


您好,👋欢迎您留言, 加入我们最严肃高端 ELUOSIQIZI 婚姻家庭中平台 ,高素质 全球优质资源最丰富 找对象的可以 1)填申请入VVIP会员的表格 男士申请表 ,可以说明您的情况,在官方扫码交申请包含咨询费 (至少2个小时的咨询) ¥999 俄罗斯婚介 或 一下按钮卡交咨询费 €199 就可以加负责人婚姻家庭咨询

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Hello, welcome to leave a message, 1) for Elite Matchmaking application can fill the form https://eluosiqizi.com/nan_shi_shen_qing_biao_ , (application & online consultation up to 2 hours 199 euro fees)
Individual matchmaking provided by the Head Matchmaker with 25 years international marriages experience, help till marriage with the coaching & help to develop relationship, background check for a better understanding of a potential match/wife/husband, contracts packages start from 7000usd, based on the agreement terms 1-2 years or unlimited introductions, coaching till the successful family creation) 2) you can also register on EurasiaFamily website to see many registered users & contact them directly : https://eurasiafamily.app
欢迎加入我们中俄乌欧亚婚姻家庭中心享受一对一指导到结婚 (交咨询费的可以加红娘咨询关于您的具体情况,一对一婚姻匹配,帮助发展关系), 也可以加入中俄乌欧亚征婚网 http:// https://eurasiafamily.app,直接联系11万注册的用户,看征婚者的资料,直接视频,通话。 俄罗斯,乌克兰,白俄罗斯,中国,美国,欧洲,澳洲,全球优质单身人群在等您!