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俄罗斯人跨国婚恋跨国婚姻顾问、导师 Eluosiqizi婚介负责人达吉娅娜帮您成功找到适合您的她
目前在中国 美丽俄罗斯女孩 31 岁 身高 168 会说汉语日语!来自俄罗斯远东地区,天然蓝眼睛发的俄罗斯美女 属兔子好性格的女士 征婚她温文儒雅,而且很懂得享受生活,这位女生生活居住场所是十分有条理的,有条不紊地。心思细腻,思维敏捷,脾气随和,在人生的路途中,她是很受欢迎的! 典型的人见人爱者!
Currently in China, the beautiful Russian girl in China is 31 years old, height 168 can speak Chinese and Japanese, came from Russian Far East. The Lady with a natural blue eyes and blonde hair, a beautiful Russian character.She is gentle and elegant, and she knows how to enjoy life. The living place of this girl is very orderly and neat.
She is very thoughtful, quick witted and easy-going. She is very welcomed by people in her life. the type of person who is usually loved by people!She is simple, gentle and calm, pure as a spotless lotus. Once she falls in love with a man, she will love him wholeheartedly, on the other hand, this type of woman the more she likes you the easily she could get hurt, so you need to treasure her generous feelings towards you her, and she needs to be cautious about making friends, surround herself with only real friends. Her graceful and virtuous appearance usually seems to be attractive to many men.
Do not miss this chance to get to know such a nice generous lady. Such a good lady is rare in modern life! She hopes you are stable and considerate person who could be divorced man unless you are generous and have the right attitude towards her, because even though she is 31 years old lady, but she still be as a 20 year old pure girl! She hopes to stay in China in a long term and gert married.