
Russian Wife

Eluosiqizi Marriage Center

we provide elite matchmaking, relationship building, family creation services to Chinese and other countries' men according to the clients needs, request and their personal situations, the final goal/ result for our work is the family creation, not just arranged meetings for a man and Russian / Ukrain / Belarussian or other European ladies. We lead our clients till the marriage, accompany and provide guidance to the man-client during the whole process to find the suitable wife, provide guidance to marriage registration process, help them during the whole process of relationship development, to solve any araised communication problems, or misunderstanding between man and woman, etc, in urgent situations man client can 24/7 contact Tatiana - head of Eluosiqizi marriage center, so the man who is looking for a suitable partner/wife via our marriage center is not alone, Tatiana personally interviews every lady and every man to provide coaching cand solve any communication difficulties. Thus Eluosiqizi marriage center provides matchmaking services till the marriage, with the marriage guarantee comprehensive package at worthy price. Eluosiqizi successful marriage guarantee package is not overseas international blind dating or casual meetings! Eluosiqizi Marriage Center provides one to one matchmaking tailor-made meetings upon successful at the moment do not provide travel blind dates because we found that travel blind dates for Chinese/Asian man with European ladies has very low marriage success rate. Because the final goal of our work is not to just arrange meeting between 2 strangers ( man and woman) or just to introduce man and woman to each other but rather to find a perfect match, a wife best suited to that particular man-client. Matchmaking services for ladies is free, the main paid-client is a man. Russian, Ukraine, Belarussian Ladies do not need to pay to attain matchmaking process because for ladies it is quite easy to find a man who is willing to marry them, a lot of man from different countries throat the world like Russian, Ukraine, Belarusian Ladies, and usually ladies have a lot of attention from men all around the world. On the other side, asian guys who need a help to find European wife, as it is more difficult for asian man to find European wife in comparison to European girl to find asian husband, its much easier for European girl to find asian husband should she decided to do so.
Eluosiqizi agency  has received many requests from different asian/chinese man from different social status background, different age, and different expectations from their future wife. There are some businessmen and some company’s employees, aged 25-66. Men who do not want to search for a wife on their own, waste their time, money trying to find a suitable wife on their own or via dating websites, because it is really will take a lot of time and efforts from the man to get to understand the real background, assess lady’s sincerity to him or to the marriage life in general, also he will need a help to understand the inner thoughts of the European ladies should he decide to search for a wife on its own. Thus some men-clients understand that there are lots of work needs to be done in order to find your real soul mate- European lady and they choose a guaranteed marriage success services, rather than a casual blind dates without any success guarantee. Usually men still want to have a child even at the age of 50, as they perceive the marriage is more stable and it is more secure for a man if a lady can give a birth to their child thus to have more soundings between partners, some men just want to have a mixed raced child, to improve as their said their future generations genes. Many Chinese men says that they do not want to find a chinese wife because Chinese ladies has high financial expectations from the future husband thus some Chinese men try to find a wife with lower financial expectations from overseas. Some man-clients request very certain parameters ( for example lady’s age, education, appearance, family values), some man especially with not very good financial background do not have high request towards lady’s appearance; we recommend always pay attention to the inner beauty not just appearance.
Also there are different ladies who want to find a husband via Eluosiqizi Tatiana marriage center, some ladies are looking for European or Russian husbands, some agree to marry to a Chinese man. Our Marriage Center is also searching for ladies who likes Chinese culture, likes China, who agree to live in China, sometimes man's nationaliity is not important to ladies, after Tatiana’s introduction of a particular Chinese man to a lady she might shows interest and commitment to develop a relationships with the recommended man.
Our ladies also have different social status, educational background, and different expectations from man, ladies aged 18-60. Generally speaking Tatiana matchmaker believes that there is always a suitable partner could be found for every man and every woman according to their current situation and expectations from the partner, our marriage center helps two suitable people to find each other, to gain proper understanding of each other, to help to develop relationship to the higher level, and ultimately to create a loving family, get married happily and have last long healthy marriage.
Generally speaking, Chinese man, especially those with an average income want to find a wife with low expectations towards man’s financial situation, be a family-oriented good wife, to give a birth to their child. Whereas ladies hopes the man could be a good husband, caring for family, loves them dearly, though some ladies states clearly that they want to have a very financially secure Chinese man, some ladies care about man’s look, for some ladies the man needs to be quite handsome, whereas others accept average looks.  Also, there are some Russian / Ukraine ladies who is like myself studied or worked in China and can speak Chinese. Generally speaking Russian/Ukrain ladies who came to China with their own efforts to study or work in China, they have higher expectations from Chinese man.
We realized that many overseas people think ( probably due to some media’s not very correct news) that in Russia there are lots of ladies and not many men, but if we have a look at a real statistics figures, then we can find that in reality in Russia there is an almost equal amount of men and women, and there are more men under the age of 30 than women, and only at the older age group around the age of 50-60 there are more women than men. So, actually for a young Russian/Ukrain/Belarusian lady to find a husband is quite easy, and those who is not married yet due to their very busy life with studies/work, or they have high expectations from the future husband, want to find the man they really could love and only then to create a family.
Russian / Chinese culture has a lot of similarity due to the communism era, education style, as China perceive Russia as a so called older brother backed to the Soviet Union era. And Russian culture is something between European and asian cultures. Russian food is also as a Chinese food has a very big variety, we also eat all sorts of meat, vegetables. Russian people are also family oriented. Russian/Ukrain culture is closer to chinese culture than European culture. Traditionally in Russian family, a man is perceived to be a head of a family who is accountable for the family financial security. We often says even though husband is a head, but wife is a neck, and finally it is a neck who turns a head. Russian culture is also do not accept AA financial arrangement between man and woman, usually it is a man who is accountable for the family’s finances and woman is accountable for inner family arrangements , such as to fill the home with a warm atmosphere, take care of children and husband. Though nowadays more and more partners both can earn money or divide family duties. Also a normal russian girl is quite traditional I might say even more traditional than some young Chinese ladies. But some Chinese men think that russian/ukrain culture is not very traditional in terms of relationships between man and woman and it is not true, our girls are quite traditional and likes when man to be more proactive and show his interest openely rather than waiting for a lady to pursue a man. It is perceived to be a kind of a shame for a true lady to pursue a man or even ask him to get married . Most of us are brought up in a such way that it is not acceptable for a lady to chase a man, it is a man who is expected to pursue a lady and ask her permission to get married. Even though some ladies really want to get married with a man, their might not suggest this directly. 

We provide an initial consultation  999 rmb to find out what type of relationship they're interested in and with what type of person, to answer all client’s questions regarding his current situation, assessing his needs and wants, perspective wife, future marriage life, etc. Should man decided to became a client the official process will begin, we sign a contract and membership fees will be paid, fees could be paid in installments, the package starts from several thousands USD, the package for the successful marriage guarantee services till the marriage, one year is an average time to find a suitable wife, get to know each other and get married via Eluosiqizi marriage center, we had a couple who decided to get married after just 3 months of communication, they both were unmarried without kids, girl was 27 and guy was 33, they got introduced in March and got married in August, it is a really good match.

Another couple, a lady of 31 years old and a man 39, Lady was single without children, whereas a guy was divorced with a child, when I introduced them to each other in June, using their first meeting lady did not like the guy's a bit slim body type and he came to her as a not a man who can care for a family which was a wrong first time impression maybe because that guy was very shy and did not show his reliability towards lady, but then after proper communication and emphasizing the best qualities of that man to that lady, she slowly started to like that guy, revised her and eventually they got married in December, and she also said a big thank you to me a such good man and she is pregnant now. They are also a very compatible match.

In February just married a couple he is 36 divorced without children and she is 36 years old without children unmarried , Shanghai guy with an average income , he has got ready for a marriage already few years ago and purchased a flat in Shanghai. I introduced them in October-november, after their meeting in November in Shanghai, their decided to get married in February.

  1. Initial consultations with a potential client, understanding his needs and wants, his requirements and the situation.
  2. Both parties documents verification, such as divorce certificate or passport, clients age, marital status verification, etc
  3. Sign contract, where we state all his requirements and our goals, such as successful marriage guarantee package.
  4. Begining of the one to one matchmaking process, interviewing, screening and finding the right lady who is interested and showed commitment to develop relationship with that particular man,
  5. Presenting Lady’s profile to the man-client, let the man to understand the Lady’s Profile thoroughly, lady’s background, answer all client’s questions regarding the lady’s background , her attitude towards different aspects of life, her expectations from the future, hopes, future family arrangements, etc.
  6. We can conduct 1-1.5 hours online video conference together with lady and gentleman discussing their needs and wants to confirm that man and woman are really suit to each other, get feedback from their initial first online meeting, to confirm that couple want to develop relationship, to continue further communication after their first online conference. Tatiana conducts Meetings in 3 languages: Russian, Chinese, English. Thus there is no communication barrier even if man or woman does not speak each other languages. Because the most important communication process is at the beginning of the relationships building, when two people need to thoroughly understand each others characters, values, thoughts and expectations from the future marriage life. Head of Eluosiqizi marriage agency also has a thorough communication with lady
  7. Should lady and gentleman have a mutual attraction during the face to face online conference, they continue to communicate for some time prior the meeting arrangement in real life
  8. Help to organize one on one meeting at the place and time suitable to the couple
  9. Follow up, and continuing help to the client till the marriage, though after marriage support is also could be provided and with many ex-clients we keep in touch, quite often we get some news from them, who might get pregnant , etc.

We organize one to one meetings in real life after man-client already communicated with lady during online conference, after the lady already approved that particular man and showed willingness and dedication to develop relationship to that particular man, the  head of marriage center checked both people background, ensured their matchability and their sincere attitude toward each other. Each of our man-clients will finally get married via our matchmaking/marriage center, usually it happens within 1 year. At longest it might takes 2 years, but only if man’s personal situation is not good and he expects a lot from any particular lady. For example, average man with average appearance and average income requested to find a very beautiful wife of a particular height of particular body type, who is very agreeable, can speak Chinese; or for example divorced man 40-50 years old with 1-2 children wants to find unmarried beautiful girls without children under 30 years old, with height 170 and above, very family oriented, well-educated. As a head of a marriage center I assess man’s situation and his expectations, as well as lady’s situation and her expectations to provide the best match.

We know that many companies providing international travel-blind dates and only introduce man and woman to each other without studying their background carefully; quite often ladies attending those blind dates might come to that meeting with the aim just to have a nice time there , have a drink, nice meal, then they leave and do not contact men anymore. Usually even organizer for such blind dates do not know what ladies will come, whether they come or not, because everything might happen on the road, girls might change their mind or suddenly have other things happen. Therefore success rate for such casual dates is very low, lots of man came to my marriage center after attending such unsuccessful international blind dates from other places, wasted their lots of time and money, where they did not find foreign wife. Also I heard that sometimes some ladies got paid to attend blind dates with foreign guys, for example dating companies recruit some models or girls to make sure that they come on a particular date to meet with a foreign group of man to have a blind date. Because even if some really genuine ladies come to this type of meetings, there still be a very low success rate because prior to the meeting two people didn’t have conversation didn’t know each other situation, so its more like a gamble - I might meet somebody who you can like, then she maybe don’t like you…and only limited quantity of ladies attending this type of parties-meetings. Thus international travel blind dates it is just an entertainment arrangement and we do not provide that.

In order to have a good result we need to do a lot of primary work before we arrange a meeting between man and woman to save man’s time and money to attend only meetings with the compatible ladies who is genuinly interested in that particular man and do not go for a casual travel blind date to meet with ladies who just to have a good time.

Eluosiqizi Marriage Center helps to find a very suitable Russian/ Ukraine/Belarusian Lady to Chinese man, all the time-consuming searching and screening will be done for you! Eluosiqizi matchmaker will even do a better job at finding highly compatible dates, suitable life partner, than you would on your own. Tatiana says that marriage center even helps to predict how this particular lady will behave and what marriage is could be expected in future with a particular lady. So even though Chinese man and Russian lady do not speak each other languages, provided that 2 people are really a good match, they will not have any problem in communication, because at the beginning of the communication process Tatiana assists a potential couple to get to know each other properly, analyze their background, some existing perceptions or attitudes towards general life’s aspects, it is all is done in order to create a really happy marriage for a life time!