
俄罗斯女士 33/170 精通 英语 🇬🇧德语🇩🇪学过专业英语德语翻译,任酒店副总经理。有绘画的天赋🎨 了解不同的文化 去过20多个国家,美国,欧洲,等等,喜欢瑜伽,室内设计,希望您是成功男士温柔体贴,共同组织家庭享受两个人的世界。

Beautiful Russian lady   33 / 170 Fluent in English & Gerrman literature translator works in the international hotel business. Understands different cultures, well-educated & well-traveled lady, has been to 20 countries. Can paint pictures. Hobbies are painting (oil, acrylic), art, yoga, meditation, traveling, boats, interior design

Looking for a successful, reliable, kind, gentle, strong man, romantic man to enjoy life together. A man, who values his family and always protects his wife and kids. ID 802086 Members are welcome to talk in detail.