
俄罗斯女士 25 岁,身高164,未婚,没有孩子,征婚

Russian woman 25 years old, 164 height, unmarried, no children, looking for a marriage. She is gentle and considerate toothers, quiet woman by a character with good personality, living a healthy life, likes yoga, swimming, walking, contact with nature, like animals, hope to organize a happy family, take care of each other, trust each other. My major is pharmacology. 


Eluosiqizi 婚姻中心验证每位女士的婚史情况是否有孩子在俄罗斯身份证有所有的记录。The Eluosiqizi Marriage Center verifies each woman's marital, children history is well documented in a passport. According to the Russian law , the lady without marriage history is considered unmarried.
在俄罗斯生小孩的时候 相关的部门同时给孩子发出生证明也在母亲的护照纪录孩子的信息,发出生证明必须在母亲的护照纪录。这位女士没有孩子们纪录,按照俄罗斯法律她没有孩子们!俄罗斯婚史纪录,俄罗斯法律规定:俄罗斯人结婚的时候同时发布结婚证也盖结婚的章在护照,这位女士没有结婚的章,按照俄罗斯法律她是未婚的!
Russian Marriage History Records are written in the passport, Russian Law stipulates that when Russians citizens get married, The marriage authority issues a marriage certificate and put a marriage stamp in passport. In this case, the girl does not marriage stamp and considered unmartried by Russian law.