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Russian lady 31 y.o. is looking for a good husband, russian wife, 俄罗斯妻子达吉娅娜 婚姻介绍所女会员

出生于在莫斯科的俄罗斯女士, 31岁, 今年马上32岁了,身高 166,金发蓝眼,大学学历经济学专业的,读大学的时候做过航空姐,目前在莫斯科银行工作, 精通英语。 兴趣爱好广泛:喜欢旅游,去过好几个国家,芭蕾舞,音乐,学过钢琴,喜欢博物馆,展览馆,雕塑,舞蹈;喜欢运动:跑步,游泳,骑自行车,打网球,滑雪滑冰,从体育好的慢跑和游泳,自行车,网球,滑冰,滑雪。在业余时间里有时喜欢玩保龄球和台球。喜欢美味喜欢做饭,日本的地中海,中国菜,没有不良习惯,喜欢动物和孩子们。

Russian Lady, 31 y.o.,height 166, not married & no children, born in Moscow, blue eys and blonde hair, univercity degree in economics, speaks good english, during her studies at uni she worked as an stewardess of international airlines, currently is employed in a banking sector in Moscow. She visited many countries, likes travelling, ballet, music,museums, cultural exhibitions, sculpture, dancing, learned to play a piano, likes sports such as jogging, swimming, cycling, tennis, skiing, skating。In her leisure time plays bowling, billiards. Likes cooking tasty food, japanese, middeterian, chinese. Loves children and animals, no bad habbits. Hope to find a nice chinese man for marriage. Welcome to get to know her via our russian international marriage agency 俄罗斯妻子达吉娅娜婚姻介绍所。