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俄罗斯妻子达吉娅娜婚姻介所绍资源:俄罗斯美女征婚!国内外籍女士们待嫁生贵子等您准备结婚! 洋媳妇吧。

俄罗斯妻子达吉娅娜婚姻介绍所负责人达吉娅娜跟展示的每位女士亲自沟通非常了解每位女士的心❤️, 她们的想法!!您自己要了解她的话就会花好几个月甚至好几年的时间,在我们帮助之下您省事省力省钱!帮您解开她的爱情密码, 牵手成功!俄罗斯女士,

42岁,属兔子,最顾家的巨蟹座,语言和文化专业的,目前教英语和经营东方健康理疗中心自己会做按摩,东方中医是她的爱好,前几年前去过好几个国家非常了解很多国家的文化的特点,文化交流是她的专业,精通英语,学汉语。希望见合适的中国男士组织家庭, 是一个非常乐观善解人意的俄罗斯女士,很有宽容心,善于理解对方, 跟这样的女士在一起中年的男士会幸福!

Russian Lady 42 y.o. is looking for a chinese husband. She is born in the year of the rabbit, belongs to the very family-oriented cancer sign. Her major is an international cultural studies; at the moment she is an english teacher and also run a medical center specialed on eastern chinese medicine, she also possesses some massage skills, eastern medicine is one of her favourite hobbies amongs travelling. She is fluent in English, travelled extensively during her life, thus have a good understanding of different cultures. She is a very optimistic and considerate Russian lady, very tolerant and understanding; Hope to meet a good chinese man to create a family.