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俄罗斯女士 33 岁,金发,绿眼睛,有10岁的孩子,征婚 , 身高 168, 法律专业,工作生活稳定希望你也是。善良,有耐心,体贴,可靠的女士,不喜欢吵架,愿意付出发展关系,互相信任,互相宽容,拥有温馨的家庭。希望您有强烈的欲望组织幸福的家庭,性格稳定,有智慧,知识分子,幽默,善良,体贴。ID 8904056
Russian lady, 33 years old, has 10 years old child, looking for a husband to create a happy family, height 168, law degree, has a stable work and stable life, kind lady, patient, caring, reliable, does not like quarrels, ready to work on relationship, would like to have trustful relationship, strong family. Hopes you are also has a very strong desire to create a happy family, you have a good character, intelligent, gentleman with a sense of humour, kind and caring.